500° Havana & 28° SILAE

Cuba celebrates 500 anniversary of Havana with XXVIII SILAE Congress!   REVIEW PRESS   Ministerio de Cultura Cubano http://www.cubarte.cult.cu/static/theme-portal/files/presentacion-500-habana.pdf The Telegraph https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/caribbean/cuba/articles/havana-city-central/ El Pais https://elpais.com/cultura/2018/12/29/actualidad/1546098285_186364.html Granma http://en.granma.cu/cuba/2018-11-16/la-habana-500-years-of-history-and-life Gulf New https://gulfnews.com/opinion/op-eds/why-havana-will-turn-completely-retro-by-2019-1.2141184        


28th SILAE International Congress “Gallego Otero Fernández”  1st Congress on Medicinal Plants 2019– GTPM and NATURAL 2019 EXPO SILAE – International Trade Fair and Conference for Natural Products From September 16th to 20th, 2019 Havana International Conference Center, Cuba   Dear colleagues, As Presidents of SILAE 2019  we have the privilege to welcome all participants to the XXVIII Italo-Latinamerican Congress of Ethnomedicine, which will