
Congress program

The XXVIII SILAE Congress will begin on September 17th with the Opening Ceremony and Lectio Magistralis, and will continue on September 17th – 20th with lectures, oral and poster presentations. The meeting will include several sesions:

  1. Ethnomedicine and ethnobotany
  2. Phytochemistry, pharmacology and pharmacognosy
  3. Research, development, marketing and marketing of natural products
  4. Clinical and ketogenic nutrition
  5. Healthy food and food safety
  6. Products of the hive: pharmacological and alimentary use
  7. Medical Hydrology (mineral-medicinal waters, peloids, climate) and helium thalassotherapy
  8. Agroecology, agrobiology and agrotechnology of medicinal plants and products of the hive
  9. Natural products in Veterinary Medicine
