
We are pleased to announce the 28° SILAE Congress to be held on September 16-20th 2019 in La Habana – Cuba!

XXVIII SILAE Congress  – Invitation

September 16-20th 2019 – La Habana, Cuba


Dear SILAE members,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to announce the 28° SILAE Congress to be held on September 16-20th 2019 in Cuba, La Habana.

The 28 SILAE annualcongress will take place this year at the Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana. The conference represents an occasion for researchers to meet, learn, develop and share scientific information on use of medicinal and food plants in different countries of the world.

We encourage you to refer to the 28 SILAE Congress Web link at https://www.silae.it/habana2019/ and submit abstracts online before June 15th.


– Official Webpage launching November 2018
– Registration Opens: December 2018
– Call for Abstracts: January 2019
– Booking Opens: January 2019
– Deadline for submission of Abstracts for Oral presentation: May, 1th 2019
– Deadline for submission of Abstracts for Poster presentation: June, 15th 2019
– Final Program: July 2019


The Congress will feature renowned international speakers in the fields of Anthropology, Ethnobotany, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Food, Food supplements and Clinical Nutrition.

Thank you for ensuring wide dissemination of this message.


Best regards,

Dr. Rodolfo Arencibia Figueroa
Chairman 28 SILAE Congress

Prof. Luca Rastrelli
General Secretary of SILAE