

All accepted abstracts will be published on a supplementary issue of PharmacologyOnLine. Some journals will publish conference selected articles as a special issue.

Important dates to remember

– Deadline for submission of Abstracts for Oral presentation: EXPIRED
– Deadline for submission of Abstracts for Poster presentation: EXPIRED

– Deadline for submission of Abstracts for B-Poster presentation: August, 30th 2019


Official languages will be english and spanish, however, posters and slides must be in English. A translation service is provided.

Download the template for the abstract submission

MSWord version: SILAE_Template_4lang.doc

OpenOffice version: SILAE_Template_4lang.odt

Please fill-in the following form with your data e your abstract

1.Ethnomedicine, Anthropology and Ethnobotany
2.Phytochemistry and Natural Products
3.Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy
4.Development, Commercialization and Marketing of Natural Products
5.Nutritional Guidance (food chemistry, traditional diet, functional foods)
6.Clinical Nutrition, Ketogenic Diet, Sport Nutrition
7.Medical hidrology and Thalassotherapy
8.Agroecology, Agrobiology and Agrotechnique of Medicinal Plants

Please attach your abstracts here (1Mb max;doc,docx,odf,odt):

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