Abstract submission mode New B_Poster subscription mode !
Abstract submission mode New option: B-Poster ! BOOK-Poster (B_Poster) The abstract will be published in conference proceeding book and on SILAE website The author will receive the acceptance letter The presenter is not required to be present in person at the conference The amount charged for B-posters is 60 euros Register now!
Payment IBAN IT12 T030 6909 6061 0000 0165 132 BIC/SWIFT BCITITMM Account in the name of the company FONDAZIONE “SOCIETA’ ITALO-LATINOAMERICANA DI ETNOMEDICINA CIBO E SALUTE” Nombre del Beneficiario : FONDAZIONE SILAE País del Banco: Italia Nombre del Banco Receptor o Beneficiario: – Banca Prossima – del gruppo Intesa San Paolo Direccion del Beneficiario (direccion del banco): Via Lungomare Colombo 1 – 84129 Salerno (SA) IBAN: IT12 T030 6909 6061 0000
Cuba celebrates 500 anniversary of Havana with XXVIII SILAE Congress! REVIEW PRESS Ministerio de Cultura Cubano http://www.cubarte.cult.cu/static/theme-portal/files/presentacion-500-habana.pdf The Telegraph https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/caribbean/cuba/articles/havana-city-central/ El Pais https://elpais.com/cultura/2018/12/29/actualidad/1546098285_186364.html Granma http://en.granma.cu/cuba/2018-11-16/la-habana-500-years-of-history-and-life Gulf New https://gulfnews.com/opinion/op-eds/why-havana-will-turn-completely-retro-by-2019-1.2141184
Habana events listing We include guest features from around Cuba, a detailed Havana Events Listing as well as our reviews of the best restaurants, bars, clubs, hotels and private accommodation! http://www.lahabana.com/guide/
Stand and Space Rental The Price of the modular stand is 110.00 CUC / 110.00 CUP per square meter. It covers the whole exhibition period and includes: • Minimum space (9 square meters) • Electricity consumption up to 500w • White modular panels of 94,8 X 2.42 m • Credentials according to the contracted space • Label with the company name • On-stand cleaning
NUSA – Nutriketo Scientific Association is the NEW nutrition and dietetics team work of the SILAE Is the NEW nutrition and dietetics team work of the SILAE. Deals with clinical studies in Nutrition, Ketogenic Diet, Dietotherapy, Sport Nutrition and Aesthetics I cordially invite you to visit and register at www.nutriketo.it and partecipate with us in the various initiatives: education, research, information, publishing… see you soon in
NutriKeto Scientific Association (NUSA) NUSA Satellite Symposium “Ketogenic Diet in Medical Nutrition” Thursday 19th September h 9.00-14.30 Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana Giuseppe Castaldo 9.00-9.30 NutriKeto_Lab, AORN Moscati di Avellino, Italy “The efficacy of Ketogenic Diet in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis.” Marco Marchetti 9.30-9.50 Dipartimento di Biomedicina e Prevenzione, University of Roma Tor Vergata “Italian Ketogenic Diet. The Mediterranean way of chetosis”
Aimed to exhibitors Do you wish to present your business at Natural_2019_EXPO_SILAE? Here you can fill the form to request information for exhibitors or download both the Credential-Form and Services-Form to rent exhibition area, stands or showroom and communicate the type of products to be exposed! SL28_HotelPalco_Form_Credenciales.pdf SL28_HotelPalco_Form_Servicios.pdf
International Exhibition for Natural Products Innovation The natural trade meets at the Natural 2019 Exhibition in La Habana from 16 – 20 September 2019