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Silae World
SILAE: The Scientific And Cultural Network 
modalita Modalities of registration

Why to register?
The fundamental objective of SILAE is to promote the research, development and use of medicinal and food plants in different countries of the Word. SILAE welcomes and actively seeks opportunities to work cooperatively, activating and intensifying scientific relations between Countries and between SILAE Members. SILAE proposes to establish contacts with Scientific Communities, Universities, Research Centres for the pursuit of medicinal and food plants knowledge.

For this purpose, it proposes to establish contacts with Communities, Corporate Bodies and Universities that pursue the same finalities, activating and intensifying the relationships of technical-scientific cooperation by means of exchanges of information and study, through visits of research in many countries interested in the field

• Silae organizes Congresses, Scientific Events, Theorical and Practical Courses for its Collaborators
• Silae offers its members scholarships aiming technical-scientific interchanges
• SILAE aims to be a truly international scientific organization by publishing works, through our SILAE Special Issues
• Keep in touch with colleagues and friends with using SILAE_live are chat and Messanger the first scientific chat on the web
• Silae offers Prizes and Medals

The registration, alone, to the Silae does not imply subscription to various conferences and / or events of Silae; however, its inclusion allows for discounts and facilities!

The procedure for the registration on SILAE is described in detail and in order as follows

a) registration on the website


   1. Enter into the procedure of registration using one of the three links 'registered' (here down in the menu at the right or at the top of every page on the left);

   2. Fill out the sections of the form by describing your activity or your curriculum vitae in detail; particularly you will be will be asked to choose your field of study(Macro Area) and to enter the more actual fields of research to be able to to widen your possibilities in scientific collaboration, in fact the site is created for allowing you to search and to be searched by researchers whose studies are complementary to yours;

   3. Confirm the registration, when you will send the registration request correctly, you will receive an e-mail to the address registered on the registration form, consisting of your contact informations and a confirmation link;

   4. Click on the link that will appear in the e-mail (if the link does not function copy and paste it in your browser) and you will visualize a page of registration confirm..

b) access with the username and password


   Once the registration is confirmed you will be able to have access to the site: click on the link 'enter' (menu or at the top on the left) enter your contact information registered in the website

Access to the registration process

For probable technical problems or questions regarding the registration process, please contact the webmaster through the indicated e-mail address at the bottom of every page..

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